Friday, May 21, 2010

Traveler Spotlight

Back in April intern Erika sat down with Jordan from Canada!

What is your name?

HI: Where are you from?
From Saskatoon in Saskatchewan Canada. It's north of Minnesota.

HI: When did you get to Chicago?
On Sunday.

HI: What brings you to Chicago?
Just travel. I’m with my dad and he's retired, so we're traveling around. We're stateside for a month and are spending a week here in Chicago.

HI: Where else in the United States are you going?
D.C., Raleigh North Carolina, New York, and Boston.

HI: Sounds great! Where are you at in your trip? Is this the first city?
Yup. Just our 3rd day.

HI: Are you enjoying it so far?
Yup. I have been here before. I'm a city planner, so Chicago is very interesting to me. Saskatoon is not like this. I love the park right downtown and the planning around that. Who doesn’t love a great park, right? But dad hasn’t been here since he was really young. We've been to the planetarium, the John Hancock building, and Gino’s East for Pizza.

HI: Of course. So good!
Yes. We walked by the big McDonald’s. Is there something special about it? We didn’t know.

HI: Yeah it’s the Rock and Roll McDonald’s.
Yeah, that’s what we thought. But we didn’t know what was so special about it. Other than it is giant and pretty, we didn’t know why it was such a big deal so we didn’t go in. We also saw Cloud Gate.

HI: The cloud gate?
Yeah, the giant bean.

HI: Oh right!
Yeah I think cloud gate is the technical name for it.

HI: Oh, I never knew that! Cool!
Yeah that was really cool. There is lots of land and parks. With my profession as well it is very interesting.

HI: Yeah I’m sure! So what else would you like to see?
Tomorrow we are planning on going on one of the architectural tours.

HI: With the hostel?
No, the Chicago Architecture Foundation.

HI: Oh okay, that sounds good!
Then Thursday the Museum of Science and Industry. Friday I have a friend in town. So we will hang out with them, we don’t really have plans other than that. Then on Saturday we leave.

HI: Well I hope you have a great stay! Enjoy your long vacation!
Yes thank you! See you later.

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