Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Green Events taking place this Weekend! 09/28 - 09/29

Here are some fun Green events that you can take part in this last weekend of September! Don't Miss Out!!!

Ride a bike with hundreds of other Chicagoans!

Next Ride: 5:30pm Friday, September 28
Chicago Critical Mass bike rides start from Daley Plaza, Dearborn & Washington at 5:30 pm on the last Friday of each month, regardless of season or weather. They are free and fun. All you have to do is show up with your bike. Visit the website for more details!

Saturday, September 29, 2012.  9am to 3pm
An annual event presented by the Evanston Environmental Association (EEA) and the City of Evanston.The festival is held at the Evanston Ecology Center, 2024 McCormick Blvd, Evanston, and is designed to provide a venue where organizations can present green products, services and ideas to help attendees lower their carbon footprint. The festival features many attractions including the Green Market, a sustainably house built by students, alternative transportation demos, and an auction! Visit this site for more details!

Here is a link to a video about the festival from a previous year. Check it out!

Go to the Green City Market!

Please join us for our Market on Wednesday and Saturday!  

7am-1pm in the south end of Lincoln Park between Clark and Stockton DriveChef Demonstrations:Wednesday, September 26th, Patrick Sheerin, TrenchermenSaturday, September 29th, Daven Wardynski, 676 Restaurant at the Omni

Or learn how to grow your own organic garden at this wonderful event!

UHCi 102: Intro to Organic Farming Workshops

Saturday, September 29, 2012 · 9:30 AM
For more details visit:

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